Reversing Single Phase Motor

Throughout my career, I've observed that the conventional method of reversing a single-phase motor involves the manual reconfiguration of wiring connections. Recognizing the need for greater efficiency and automation, I embarked on a project to address this issue. I developed a schematic module that incorporates a user-friendly button interface, enabling seamless motor direction reversal, akin to the convenience found in three-phase motors. Subsequently, I designed and implemented a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) program, employing structured text programming techniques. This program, coupled with a user-friendly interface, serves as an innovative solution to streamline and automate industrial processes reliant on single-phase motors. My project not only simplifies motor reversal but also enhances operational efficiency, illustrating my commitment to advancing automation within industrial settings.



Simplify motor reversal:
The primary goal is to simplify the process of reversing a single-phase motor. This simplification eliminates the need for manual rewiring and streamlines the operation through a user-friendly interface.

The project seeks to automate the process of reversing single-phase motors. Automation reduces the risk of human error and ensures consistent and reliable motor direction changes, ultimately improving process reliability.


PLC Ladder

Code example in java



import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main (String[] args){ Scanner scanner = new Scanner(; System.out.println("Motor control"); //I define output variables for my coils Boolean Q1=false; Boolean Q2=false; //I define my NO auxiliar contactors where i have 2 for KM1 and 2 for KM2 Boolean NO1KM1=false; Boolean KO2KM1=false; Boolean NO1KM2=false; Boolean KO2KM2=false; while(true) { System.out.print("Enter a command (forward, reverse, stop,exit): "); String option =; if(option.equals("forward")){ if(!Q1&&!Q2){ System.out.println("Motor started moving forward"); //For move forward I define NO1KM2 and NO2KM2 as true, // and i set my KM1 as false this mean my output will be //In my first point T1-T5 //In my start point T1-T3-T2-T8 NO1KM1=true; KO2KM1=true; NO1KM2=false; KO2KM2=false; Q1=true; } else if (!Q1&&Q2){ System.out.println("You cant start the motor, its alredy moving reverse" + " you have to stop it for move it reverse"); } else { System.out.println("Motor is alredy running forward"); } } else if(option.equals("reverse")){ if(!Q1&&!Q2){ //For run reverse I define NO1KM1 and NO2KM1 as true and set KM2 as false // this mean my output will be //In my first point T1-T8 //In my start point T1-T3-T2-T5 NO1KM1=false; KO2KM1=false; NO1KM2=true; KO2KM2=true; System.out.println("Motor started moving reverse"); Q2=true; } else if (Q1&&!Q2){ System.out.println("You cant start the motor, its alredy moving forward" + " you have to stop it for move it reverse"); } else { System.out.println("Motor is alredy running reverse"); } } else if (option.equals("stop")){ if(Q1||Q2){ System.out.println("Motor is stop"); Q1=false; Q2=false; } else { System.out.println("Motor is alredy stop"); } } else if (option.equals("exit")){ break; } } } }



Wiring PLC
